Sunday, March 31, 2013

a mini sneak preview!

Hi everyone! Thanks a lot for visiting our blog! We have been really busy with the preparation these days as mid term is just one week away. Anyway, a few days ago, we took some pictures for our storyboard and here they are! (Only 4 for now but we hope to post more on the next entries!)

Dad tastes the food cooked by Fang Fang, his favourite Chef.

Everyone gets scared when Dad is mad! :O

"Lao Gong ah, stay strong. Don't leave me just like that."

Wen Ming: "Pa, are you okay? I am really sorry."
Dad: "heheheee gotcha!"

And that's all for now! Indeed a mini sneak preview, isn't it? Hahaha, ok everyone, please continue to support and pray for us alright, so that this project will turn out great and that the audiences will be able to bring back something valuable from our movie after watching it! Have a blessed weekend world and God bless!

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